Magical Moondays | Edition 001

Welcome to the DEBUT edition of Magical Moondays, a weekly cosmic guide dropping every Monday to support your week ahead!

Did you know that each day of the week is ruled by a planet?

  • Sunday = Sun

  • Monday = Moon

  • Tuesday = Mars

  • Wednesday = Mercury

  • Thursday = Jupiter

  • Friday = Venus

  • Saturday = Saturn

Makes sense, doesn’t it? Tuesdays are usually action-filled, Wednesdays are great for meetings, Friday calls for indulging and Saturday is the perfect time to get your sh*t together!

Ever since I moved sacred action to Tuesdays and began taking Mondays to reflect and channel intuitive guidance, my life has drastically improved.

I’m the type of Oracle who feels energy a week in advance. I will share messages, tips and galactic guidance to support your week ahead - no matter what day you choose to start!

The week of July 17th heralds in many cosmic resets and shifts, some dating back to 2015 and 2017, some 18 months ago. What an exciting time to shed unneeded layers that we have been wearing. It’s officially Summertime!

Peel off the Patagonia parka and embrace the solar rays on your bare skin! Unfasten that North Face and face your True North!!!

At 2:32 pm EST today, the Moon was washed anew in her home sign of Cancer. Before she resets in Leo on August 16th, we are in a cycle that asks to deeply tap into our divine nature. Distractions will be high and emotions may be coursing through, but let these waters take you to a new shore.

Today on this magical Moonday, we also have a reset with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra! The last 18 months we’ve worked with the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio, asking us to go deep within to transmute our trauma and redefine our relationship to resources. This next phase is all about balance, sacred action and creating our own justice from these crumbling, oppressive systems by birthing something brand new.

July 22nd is another cosmic reset with the Sun moving into their fiery home sign of Leo while Venus makes her final retrograde in a story arch that’s been playing out since 2015. It’s a lot of information to unpack, keep an eye out on my social media channels this week if you want to empty out that luggage together.

Each week, I’m going to pull a card to represent and guide us through the cosmic weekly forecast. Our card this week is the Page of Wands.

The Page of Wands is symbolizing our brand new beginning before we activate the fire. It’s like that moment in the Olympic Opening Ceremony right before they light the torch. Just like those athletes reveling in such spectacular wonder, soaking in that present moment… aware of their upcoming performance yet grateful to be in the arena - this is that spark to capture before setting the torch ablaze.

If you want to go deeper with me, tap in to my brand new YouTube channel! I will be doing a special reading this week to channel the energies of the Libra South Node/Aries North Node, Venus Retrograde and a Leo season guide for each sign. I would love to see you over there!

Launching this newsletter during the New Moon in Cancer was cosmically aligned as New Moons = NEW BEGINNINGS! Whatever is initiated now is especially potent with the Moon in her ruling sign of Cancer.

What new beginnings are you calling in? How can you use sensitivity as a strength and tool navigating through the deep, unknown waters in our cosmic ocean?

Cancer is a water sign so use this elemental magic in your shower, washing your hands, or anytime you’re near/in/drinking water. Work with whatever color you wish and imagine a sparkling stream cleansing your energy and permeating each cell. Water is purifying, incredibly healing and deeply necessary to our human experience. Why not infuse these interactions with intention and magic?

In true New York City fashion, perhaps connecting to my soul fractals with Mike Tyson and Nikola Tesla, I have fully embraced the flock of pigeons that frequents my fire escape. I feed them rice every day, sprinkling it around and inside my planters, hoping to avoid pigeon squabbles by spreading out the bounty.

While recently watching them, I observed that despite my best efforts of equitable eating, the pigeons often flocked to one concentrated area. In the midst of aggressive cooing, snapping their wings, with some even trembling in terror as they squeezed into this unnecessary grainy situation, I would shout through the window, “Go over there! There’s a whole empty pot with a pile of rice - actually, there’s three of them!”

During this pecking frenzy, some of my loyal and experienced feathered friends fly in and know I spread the wealth, eating their rice relaxed and spread out - sans drama. It got me thinking about how the Universe spreads out a plethora of abundance, blessings and gifts to us, yet we “follow the flock” and get frustrated when it’s seemingly slim pickings.

I witness this play out every day, but I never stop feeding them rice. I never stop smiling at their cuteness navigating the concrete jungle, even when things get challenging. I do my part to help, but ultimately it’s up to them. Will they follow the flock or choose a new path? I will keep loving them and showing up whatever they choose.

That manna from heaven might be untouched currently but it won’t be forever. While it’s true more will always pour in, do you really want to wait? Aren’t you hungry NOW? Use these energetic resets to choose a new perspective. Break free from the concentrated crowds chasing and fighting over resources that are rapidly diminishing. Spread your wings and fly! You will be nourished! Remember whatever you choose, Cosmic love is infinite and eternal.

Let’s keep working with water this week so we don’t burn out from the fires of our upcoming Leo season!

If rain is in the forecast, this is your permission slip to have that movie moment. Cry, laugh, sing, dance…let the rain wash over every emotion in true Cancerian nature!

Foot soaks and spiritual baths with epsom salt will also be deeply supportive. Speak blessings over the water and charge it with deep intention. Just like a long hot shower feels after a long day, you will feel a shift in your energy field.

Your body will thank you for this cleansing and healing ritual!

Peppermint has been pulling through for me lately. It’s cooling, invigorating and is delicious hot or iced. Peppermint stimulates the body into a calm, focused state, ready to take action and go with the flow.

Peppermint is also great for calling in abundance. During our times in Ancient Egypt, we used it as a form of currency because of its value! I find drinking it also helps me zoom out from this matrix and connect with my original soul’s DNA. It’s very accessible and easy to grow, reminding us of the infinite abundance available for us to harvest.

Steep it for 20 minutes to glean the magic and medicine.

While cleaning my apartment over the weekend I came across a small tube filled with bubbles, likely from a pre-pandemic soiree. I threw them in my purse before my daily walk through Central Park. As I sat on the grass near Belvedere Castle, I filled my lungs up and blew these etheric bubbles into the blue sky.

It’s amazing how this helped connect to the magic in and around me, but also with that young girl who dreamed of twirling around in fancy dresses near a castle, blowing pearlescent spheres into the wind. A dream come true.

I highly recommend spending a few dollars (or going through that junk drawer) to tap into this exercise. You can also do it while washing your hands or better yet, washing the dishes! We can always find ways to make the mundane magical and healing.

Thank you for subscribing! Send me a message how you liked this first edition. I will see you this week for more updates and remember to check out and my brand new YouTube channel!

Blessings, Bre

Breanne ButlerComment